Horror as DEADLY Brazilian wandering spider eggs found in bunch of bananas

A SHOPPER got a shock after finding out that a bunch of bananas which she purchased from a local supermarket were actually covered with more than 3,000 deadly spider eggs.

A bunch of bananas covered with more than 3,000 deadly spider eggs
The young Austrian woman purchased cheap bananas from a discount supermarket in the Ottakring area of the capital Vienna only to find out later that they were covered with eggs from a venomous spider that can kill with a single bite.
The unnamed woman said she believed the bananas just had a bit of mould on them when she purchased them, but once she got home she spotted the traces of a web and contacted a local insect expert.
She sent off snaps to snake specialist Georg Jachan who replied almost immediately to warn her that the 'mould' actually looked like eggs from the deadly Brazilian wandering spider, also known as the banana spider, whose venom can kill with a single bite.


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